You certainly might have some new year’s resolutions that you’ve set for yourself, such as finally trying for a new job, buying a new home, or getting in shape. While it’s important to keep these in mind, have you considered the new year’s resolutions of others in your household, such as your car? Sure your car might not have a voice, but it certainly does have needs. If you’d like to meet these needs in the coming year, then the car-friendly resolutions below are worth keeping in year’scotes

1. Regular Oil Changes

How many times per year do you push oil changes longer than they should go? While this might seem harmless, in time it can lead to engine problems and other issues with your car. To prevent this, always change your oil on time.

2. Have Regular Maintenance Done

Avoiding maintenance is one of the worst things you can do to your vehicle, as this can lead to issues with almost every working part. Avoid this by having maintenance done as soon as a light comes on or you notice something is “off” with the way it drives.

3. Check Tire Pressure Regularly

Checking your tire pressure regularly will ensure you are extending the life of your tires. Additionally, this can help improve the gas mileage you get as well as the safety of the car.

4. Replace Brake and Windshield Wiper Fluid

These fluids are cheap and can prevent many different issues from arising due to corrosion. Fortunately you can fill these up yourself, although your mechanic can take care of it at your regular inspections as well.

5. Drive More Safely

It might be fun to push the gas and go fast but this is unfortunately bad for your vehicle’s lifespan. Try to drive as safely as you can, not only to avoid an accident, but also to keep things like the engine, transmission, and brakes in good shape.

6. Vacuum the Interior

Vacuuming the interior of your car can keep it smelling and looking better all throughout the year. Additionally, regular vacuuming can help prevent deterioration of the carpeting.

7. Service the Transmission

Every year it’s important to have your transmission serviced, even if you haven’t seen a light in your car that says to do so. Ultimately this will help prevent further issues and will ensure your car runs smoothly without any issues.

8. Regular Car Washes

Washing your car regularly can help keep the paint looking new while alerting you to any scratches that might have come up without you realizing it. While you’re washing, apply a protective coating to your wheels to keep those from deteriorating as well.

9. Repair Dings

Have you been talking about fixing a dent or ding for longer than you can remember? Instead of putting this off through the next year, do your car a favor and have those fixed by a professional. You’ll be glad you did this when you see how great your vehicle looks with no dents or dings drawing your eyes to them.

10. Two Waxes Per Year

One car wax every six months will make your car feel confident. All joking aside, this helps protect the paint as well, so it’s great for the long-term value of your year’s